
There are two, very upfront things about this book that might turn you off:

 1. The cover – 80’s interpretation of what the future looks like mixed in with a good dose of L. Ron Hubbard ridiculousness (think “Battlefield Earth” staring John Travolta)

2. The placement – if you go into your local bookstore to purchase you will be directed to the Science Fiction section. Tell the 400 pound sweaty guy wearing a black Microsoft t-shirt to scoot over.

Both of those things nearly caused me to miss this classic.  Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card, revolves around the life of young Ender Wiggin and his quest to play the hand he is dealt. Ultra smart and ultra tough, this kid is forced into situations that would make an adult lumberjack cry. Card not only presents a good read but also deeper philosophies revolving around the innocence of children, the place of technology in the westernized world & how fear manipulates a society for the worse (that has no modern day implications). 

This book is numero uno of a 4 part series that gets more sci-fi-y as they go, but by that time you are in love. You won’t care. You’ll be reading about pig insects with a smile on your face. Sorry, don’t let me scare you away. 

1 Comment

  1. Joe and Whitney On January 22, 2009 at 8:22 PM

    Incredible book. The further I read in the series, the more I attempted to hide the cover when in public... I would hate to invite conversation from a well-intentioned Trekkie who thought we might have something in common.


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